Hotel Castelar
Hotel Castelar
Hotel Castelar



Inaugurated in 1929, the Castelar Hotel & Spa displays the city’s best of the XX century, with its European architecture and a classic decoration that combines the charm of the past with modern details.

History is forever present in our hotel, being once the home of Federico García Lorca, the famous poet. His room has been restored and is now open to public as a museum.

The famous writers Norah Lange, Oliverio Girando, Alfonsina Storni, Jorge Luis Borges and painters Pettoruti and Soldi are some of the distinguished figures who have visited the hotel.

The restaurant was declared “Notable Bar” by the City government in the year 2004. The plaque can be seen on the hotel’s façade.

Federico García Lorca Room

There are guided visits to Federico Garcia Lorca’s room, in the case of groups and schools a previous reservation is needed. For enquiries or to receive further information on our cultural events, please write to:

Comisión de Cultura del Hotel Castelar

Federico García Lorca visitas guiadas

" Buenos Aires,
tiene algo vivo y personal,
algo lleno de dramático latido,
algo inconfundible y original,
en medio de sus mil razas,
que atrae al viajero y lo fascina... "
Federico García Lorca visitas guiadas